Welcome to the official website of Asadur: Search for the Lost Identity, a documentary that chronicles the life of 80-year-old Asadur, who still resides in Malatya, Turkey. For most of his life, Asadur wrestled with a hidden past: his grandparents—among the few Armenians who remained in their homeland—were forced to convert to Islam and conceal their heritage to survive in the aftermath of the Armenian Genocide, which claimed the lives of countless Armenians and destroyed entire communities. As a result, Asadur only discovered his Armenian roots at age 25, but was compelled to keep it a secret for decades.
In his 60s, determined to reclaim his identity, he began learning the Armenian language and adopted the name of his grandfather, “Asadur” rather than using his given Turkish name. Through his personal reflections, the documentary reveals the emotional and cultural complexities of rediscovering a suppressed heritage and underscores the enduring impact of the Armenian Genocide, which continues to shape Armenian identity worldwide.
Thank you for visiting—we invite you to join us in sharing Asadur’s remarkable journey and honoring the resilience of the Armenian people.